Welcome to the Global Recon Podcast! This is a no nonsense dive into issues that are related to the military, and world affairs. On this show we have long time American Special Operations Operators with decades of combat experience. Hear from foreign Special Operations Soldiers, as well as retired soldiers who served in legendary units during the Vietnam war. Below are some excerpts from podcast episodes:
Episode number 22:
Realities of War, Ronin Tactics, MACV-SOG
“In war there’s a smell, there’s a taste to it, there’s a feel that you can’t describe. I tell ya man if I don’t have to serve another day in war I’ll be a happy man. Musashi Myamoto wrote The Book of 5 Rings in a Buddhist cave, and he said one thing that always stuck with me and he said “You should fight as if you already died”. There’s a certain point where you still think, but your body reacts, and your kind of in an out of body experience. Rounds are shot, shots are fired you need to do and react. You need to take that initiative away from the enemy otherwise they will control that situation.” – Ret SGM Tu Lam, CEO of Ronin Tactics
Episode number 18: 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, MACV-SOG War Story
“My last time as One Zero (Team Leader) we went in 7 men on a POW (Prisoner of War) snatch. We formulated a plan to call in an airstrike on the engineers, and during the initial confusion we planned to swoop right in and grab one of the engineers. I turned around and the communications specialist stood up to put his web gear on, and that’s when I saw him take a round through his gut. So by him doing something that was totally stupid he saved our lives.
If they had waited another ten minutes they would have wiped out the whole team as we went down onto the trail. I got on the radio and initiated a Prairie Fire emergency call. I tried to pick up my Car-15 to return fire, and I couldn’t grab my rifle not realizing that I’d taken shrapnel to my tri cep. Even tho we didn’t grab a prisoner I considered it a success because we called in airstrikes for 4 hours, and dealt a blow to the enemy.”- Mike Stahl MACV-SOG Green Beret operating deep behind enemy lines in the jungles of Vietnam.