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GRP 71-Derek Carver| Leadership|Meeting the Queen|Terror In London


GRP 71-Derek Carver| Leadership|Meeting the Queen|Terror In London

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GRP 71- Co-hosting for this podcast is Chantel Taylor. We have U.S. Army veteran Derick Carver on the podcast. Derick served as a Captain with the 82nd Airborne division. He was hit by a rocket during an ambush in Afghanistan. We discuss the transition process for him, leadership, and him becoming a better person after losing his left leg. He's an advocate for Medical Marijuana use for veterans. Derick is also the world strongest adaptive athlete.


Earlier today 3 people were killed in a terrorist attack in London. We'd like to send our condolences to the families of the fallen. One police officer was killed, and the attacker was subsequently shot and killed. This is being called the worst attack in over 10 years in the United Kingdom. Below is an excerpt from the podcast:


Derick Carver: I enlisted in 2005, I commissioned in 2007.


Chantel Taylor: Oh you were an officer?


DC: See. Even the British enlisted have that same "Oh well, go fuck yourself, sir" I went to Ranger School. Went to Ft. Bragg with the 82nd Airborne. I was opening a school in Afghanistan in 2010. We were ambushed and I got hit with a 107-millimeter rocket. It blew through my left leg completely into my right leg. I'm missing part of my index finger, my left elbow, and then two of my fingers on my right hand are fused. My left leg is amputated all the way up. Right leg's got like 50 percent soft tissue damage. I have about 300 pieces of shrapnel from my knee to my hip. Its in my arm and face.  Especially since I'm losing some weight it's more noticeable. I'm like ribbed for your pleasure. I've pulled 7.62 rounds out. I've pulled pieces as big as a lighter out. It's crazy the shit that falls out of you when you get hit by a rocket.


Some people say hey you're lucky. There were seven of them and it was daisy chained into a complex ambush. Soldiers died. I got wounded. It was a bad day at work. I told my girlfriend I don't even remember what my left leg looked like.


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Follow Chantel on Instagram @Mission_Critical

Her Facebook is @battleworn


Follow Derick on Instagram @Derick_Carver


Intro speech: Winston Churchill


Music provided by Caspian:
