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GRP 104-Geraint Jones:The Story of a British Infantry Soldier in Iraq


GRP 104-Geraint Jones:The Story of a British Infantry Soldier in Iraq


Click the buttons below to access the full episode on iTunes(Apple users), or Soundcloud(Android users). Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you.

GRP 104- This episode is co-hosted by the creator of The Veterans Project U.S. Army Veteran Tim Kolczak. Our guest for today is British Army combat veteran Geraint Jones. Gez served multiple tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq. We took a dive into what it was like serving during the height of the Iraq war in Basra where the British military was primarily operating. Basra at the time was like the wild west and Gez shares stories of his time patrolling into some of these areas as well as the complexity of dealing with very tight rules of engagement as a British warfighter.


He shares some hilarious and tragic stories of life in Basra. We touched on several topics to include tourniquet use, politics in war, dealing with extreme heat while conducting operations, and searching for roadside bombs. This is a good one.




11:48-British Army Infantry


24:28-Basra, Iraq


43:07-Rules of engagement


54:30-Operating in Iraqi heat


1:00:38- “Orders Are Orders” checking for roadside bombs in Iraq  


1:13:50-Tourniquet use


1:20:42-Don’t mix politics and war


You can keep up with Tim Kolczak at:



Geraint Jones is on Instagram at:



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Global Recon:



HP Lefler:



Chantel Taylor:


Music provided by Caspian:







GRP 98-Benito Olson:The Story of a Dog Handler Supporting SEAL Team Six in Combat


GRP 98-Benito Olson:The Story of a Dog Handler Supporting SEAL Team Six in Combat

Click the buttons below to access the full episode on iTunes(Apple users), or Soundcloud(Android users). Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you.

GRP 98-On for this week's podcast is retired Master at Arm's Benito Olson. Benny began his career in the Navy working in Bahrain where he developed an interest in dog handling. He eventually became a dog handler and was stationed back in the states. Benny was then recruited as a dog handler into the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU) to support the SEALs as their dog handler. We talked what it's like working with military dogs and then working with Special Operations dogs in the SEAL teams. 

Benny deployed 5 times with the Tier 1 SEALs. He was paired up with SEAL dog "Digo". He shared stories of his first deployment where they conducted direct action raids in Iraq. Two of the DEVGRU assaulters were killed on this rotation. Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Nathan H. Hardy and Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Michael E. Koch. 

Benny shares the story of when he was severely wounded conducting a raid where they got into a brief gunfight killing two enemy fighters. Benny moved in with two assaulters to enter the building. Unbeknownst to them, it was rigged to explode. The blast seriously wounded Benny, Digo, and killed Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician 1st Class Luis A. Souffront. Benny's last trip was to Afghanistan during the Extortion 17 incident in which 30 Americans were killed when their helicopter was shot down. 17 were SEALs with 15 of them from DEVGRU. Many of them close friends. This was Benny's last trip before he was medically retired out of the Navy. He now runs a company called Patriot Dog Training.

0:00-Episode overview

3:50-Benito's Navy career, Master at Arms, Dog Handler

16:15-Benny's recruitment into the Naval Special Warfare's Development Group (DEVGRU) in a support role as a Dog Handler.  

30:14-SEAL dog "Digo" whom Benny became his handler upon his entry into the squadron. 

35:41: First combat deployment into Iraq conducting direct action missions. Two DEVGRU assaulters were killed on this rotation prior to Benny getting blown up. Rest in Peace Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Nathan H. Hardy and Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Michael E. Koch

1:02:25-The operation in which they assaulted a building that was rigged with explosives seriously wounding Benny, Digo, and killing Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician 1st Class Luis A. Souffront. Benny was told he wouldn't be able to deploy again. 9 months later he was back in Afghanistan and went on to complete 5 total trips. 

1:21:20-Digo passed away after retiring from the Navy and being adopted by a family. Benny's last deployment was to Afghanistan during the "Extortion 17" incident which the 31 American deaths represent the greatest loss of U.S. military lives in a single incident in the, by then, decade-long war in Afghanistan that began in 2001.
15 of the SEALs on board were from DEVGRU and many were close friends of Benito's. 

1:26:00- Patriot Dog Training. Benito's dog training company.

Check out Benito Olsen's website:

Social Media: Patriot Dog Training

Global Recon:

HP Lefler:


Chantel Taylor:

Music provided by Caspian:


GRP 97- “Thank You for Your Service” with Adam Schumann


GRP 97- “Thank You for Your Service” with Adam Schumann

Click the buttons below to access the full episode on ITunes(Apple users), or Soundcloud(Android users). Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you.


GRP 97- “Thank You for Your Service” written and directed by “American Sniper” screenwriter Jason Hall depicts Adam Schumann (played by Miles Teller) and other, real-life soldiers with the 1st Infantry Division. The movie, opening Friday, portrays their struggles with traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and suicidal thoughts following their return from Iraq to Fort Riley, Kansas. We have Schumann on for this episode to discuss his career in the Army as well as some of the challenges he’s faced over his 34 months on the ground in Iraq.


We talked about PTSD and brain injuries. This is an incredible movie that I had the opportunity to attend an early screening back in August. I was literally gripping the edge of my seat. It’s very emotional. Enjoy.

0:00-Episode overview

1:08-Retired four-star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell on Leadership

5:18-Introduction to Adam Schumann. Three combat deployments into Iraq for a total of 34 months of time on the ground.

13:19-How we deal with brain damage as a society.

23:44-Blast wave injuries, explosively formed penetrator’s (EFP). “Separate your arms and legs so you weren’t sitting parallel. A lot of times you sit with your arms on your knees guys were getting hit by EFP’s and losing all four in one shot”- Adam Schumann

Follow my co-host and my pages on social media. Links below.

Global Recon:


HP Lefler:




Chantel Taylor:



Music provided by Caspian:





GRP 69-The Terrorist Whisperer |Iraqi Military CSM Hamody Jasim| Counter Terrorism

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GRP 69-The Terrorist Whisperer |Iraqi Military CSM Hamody Jasim| Counter Terrorism

Click the buttons below to access the episode on ITunes, or Soundcloud. Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you.

GRP 69-This episode is co-hosted by Chantel Taylor. We have the honor of having the youngest Command Sergeant Major in Iraqi Military history on the show, Hamody Jasim. CSM Jasim was recruited by U.S. Intelligence after saving an American Military officer who was nearly abducted by al-Qaeda. His intelligence information changed the battle for the Marines in the Fallujah/Ramadi area by taking out one of al-Qaeda’s main operatives. On this episode, he shared several stories of his time in Iraq.


We are proud to announce that our articles section is fully up and running. We have a special group of veteran writers. Our first article went up last night written by my friend retired Australian SAS Major Dr. Dan Pronk. Be sure to check it out at Sign up to receive email updates where we will keep you up to date with what we have going on, and information on products we will have available in collaboration with Special Operations veterans. Below is an excerpt from the episode.


CSM Hamody Jasim: I was sent on a few missions with the first Iraqi Divisions. I was sent to Bagdad. We went on a mission to recover the bodies of 25 dead Iraqi military recruit’s. The terrorist was coordinating with the Bus driver who had taken them into Haifa Street. They were all executed. I took about 30 of my soldiers. We had pick up trucks to load the bodies up. The terrorist aim was to capture Iraqi soldiers alive and behead them on TV. We drove into Haifa Street. It is normally a very busy street. It was like a ghost town that day. We immediately felt that something was wrong. In 2004 this was probably the most dangerous 2 miles in the world. I told my commander something doesn’t look right about this. The plan was to load the bodies and leave as soon as possible. We were ambushed. They had a sniper up in a tall building for anyone who got out of the initial kill zone. We were there for about an hour and 45 minutes. Our QRF left the Iraqi base to come support us. They immediately hit an IED in Haifa Street.


Most of us ran out of ammo. It took an American unit about an hour to get to us. We had 9 soldiers left by that time. I was shot in the knee. I had a shrapnel would above my right eye. That day will probably be the worst day of my life. Losing my guys. I slept next to these guys. One of my best friends was shot by the sniper trying to recover one of our soldiers. It was rough. My Platoon commander was captured alive, and as I was leaving I saw his body was beheaded.


Check out the new and improved article section:


Command Sergeant Major Hamody Jasim:



Chantel Taylor:


Instagram: Mission_Critical



Introduction audio: American Military Officers/ General David Petraus/ Intelligence Officers talking about Hamody Jasim


Music provided by Caspian:



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