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Military Podcast

Atomic Athlete, Special Operations Fitness, Programs to Pass Selection

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Atomic Athlete, Special Operations Fitness, Programs to Pass Selection

GRP 32- On this episode we have Chuck Ritter back on the show. Chuck is the First Sergeant at the Special Forces Senior Leader Course at Fort Bragg. On for the first time are Atomic Athlete Owner’s Jake Saenz - Former Ranger Regiment Team Leader, Founder of Atomic Athlete, and Jordan Smothermon - former naval nuclear operator who’s been professionally coaching for 4 years.


Ronin Tactics is coming to NYC!!! (6-7 AUG 2016) Classes are open to everyone.

Two Days Ronin Tactics “Ring Blade” Seminar that will build on each session. We will be hosting a two 3 hrs seminar per day for two days. First session- Body movement, empty hands, centerline and off-center line blade and saber blade attacks. Second session- Trapping, Foot Movement, Control over Opponent, Pick and reinforce pick attacks. The links to purchase your slot, and for full details will be listed at the bottom of this page. Here is an excerpt from the episode.


John Hendricks: That’s an interesting point you’ve made about having the right mindset with training vs working out. If your climbing a mountain instead taking it one step at a time a lot of people will look up, and get turned off by the size of the task. What will set companies, and trainers apart will be the ability to teach that mindset, as well as teaching the physical side.


Jake Saenz: I heard a great quote by a former Special Operations guy “Selection is a never ending process” the bottom line is so is fitness. Look at Chuck who’s 18 years in. It’s not about what’s going to happen today, or the next few days. When your training for a career in Special Operations you need to have a long term vision, and a long term purpose behind your training. Someone like Chuck has to be capable for upwards of 20 years. Having that long term perspective thinking about that like hey its not just about today, its about a year from now, 3 years from now, 5 years from now. Accepting the fact that its going to be a slow steady climb up hill, but as long as you continue to train and when I say train, as Jordan mentioned not working out, but training. Following a program based on your ability, and your goals. As long as you train you’ll continue to see improvement.


Send questions, or comments to

Atomic Athlete’s: Go to this link for a special Global Recon discount with Atomic Athlete!


Facebook: Atomic Athlete

Instagram: Atomic Athlete

Here are the links to sign up for the Ronin Tactics ringed blade seminar taking place in NYC August 6th, and 7th:










John’s website:

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Instagram: IgRecon, GlobalRecon_Inc

John’s Twitter: IgRecon

LinkedIn: Global Recon


Music provided by Caspian:

Click the links below to access the episode:


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Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue


Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue

GRP 28- Today’s episode is a special Memorial Day tribute to our fallen countrymen from all wars past till present. There will be multiple post highlighting this episode, this is an excerpt from former Army Ranger John Lovell.

Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue


John Hendricks: What do you think about when you think of Memorial Day?


John Lovell: Today I’m thinking about Pat Tillman. Tillman was somebody I served with in 2nd Ranger Battalion. I didn’t know em well. Aside from just seeing him around I didn’t have much interaction with him. The reason I’m thinking of Pat Tillman today is because of the feelings his story represents to me now. I honor Pat as a patriot and a hero.


I think of those who were with him on the battlefield. Often times I think of whoever it was who killed him accidently by friendly fire. It’s a weird place that my heart goes to on memorial day, I think about how I would feel if I accidently killed my brother. I would rather prefer that I died instead. Friendly fire is a reality of war. I know how many veterans walk around wounded by the thought of that they failed their brothers. If only they’d fought a little harder, or fought a little better they could have saved their brothers.


There’s a lot of Vietnam vets, GWOT vets, that really wished that they had died instead, and their dying a little bit inside everyday because of it. Those that carry around a horrible burden I don’t judge these guys. I wanted any soldiers out there that are possibly carrying around shame, to those who feel they somehow let their brothers down. I cannot know this for sure, but I feel like if one of my brothers was responsible for my death on the battlefield I’d have forgiveness for them.


I’d say its part of war man, you did your best, there’s nothing more you could have done. Let go of your shame and live, live for me, or in you I’d die twice. On memorial day I don’t just think of the veterans who died, I think of the veterans who are limping through life still. My message is one for them. 


Check out Justin Howard on Facebook:  Panjwayi Valley Gun Club

Instagram: Panjwayi


Check out John Lovell on Instagram: WarriorPoetSociety

John’s website:

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Instagram: IgRecon, GlobalRecon_Inc

John’s Twitter: IgRecon

LinkedIn: Global Recon


Music provided by Caspian:


Click the buttons below to access the episode.


GRP 22-Realities of War, Ronin Tactics, MACV-SOG


GRP 22-Realities of War, Ronin Tactics, MACV-SOG


Realities of War, Ronin Tactics, MACV-SOG


GRP 22- On this episode we have two special guest back on the show in Tu Lam from Ronin Tactics who is a 20-year veteran of Army Special Forces, and Mike Stahl a MACV-SOG Green Beret who served in Vietnam. They discusses what its like working with indigenous forces which is a specialty of Army Special Forces Green Berets. Mike Stahl and Tu Lam also discuss working with indigenous forces, as well as the realties of what war is like.  Below is an excerpt from Mike Stahl:


“War is fucking hell, I’m sorry there’s nothing nice about it. The best thing in war is to get it over quickly, and sometimes its pretty dam brutal. Until you’ve been shot at, and doing some shooting back, until you’ve been in that crucible you don’t know if you’ve got what it takes or not.”


Below is an excerpt from Tu Lam:



“In war there’s a smell, there’s a taste to it, there’s a feel that you can’t describe. I tell ya man if I don’t have to serve another day in war I’ll be a happy man. Musashi Myamoto wrote The Book of 5 Rings in a Buddhist cave, and he said one thing that always stuck with me and he said “You should fight as if you already died”. There’s a certain point where you still think, but your body reacts, and your kind of in an out of body experience. Rounds are shot, shots are fired you need to do and react. You need to take that initiative away from the enemy otherwise they will control that situation.”


If you have any questions about anything on the episode, or want to contact us send an email to


Tu Lam’s Website:

Tu Lam’s Instagram: Ronin Tactics

Tu Lam’s Facebook: Ronin Tactics


Mike Stahl’s website:

Mike Stahl’s Facebook: TrickyMisFit


John Hendricks website:

John Hendricks Facebook: FB Recon

John Hendricks Instagram Accounts: IgRecon, GlobalRecon_INC

John Hendricks Twitter: IgRecon


Music provided by Caspian:


Click the buttons below to access the episode:


GRP 19-Special Forces Generations, MACV-SOG War Story, Recondo School


GRP 19-Special Forces Generations, MACV-SOG War Story, Recondo School

GRP 19-On this episode we have Mike Stahl, and Mike Glover back on. This discussion is about the difference in Special Forces during the Vietnam era in which Mike Stahl served, and modern day Special Forces in which Mike Glover served. Mike Stahl talked about his experience going through the famed MACV-SOG Recondo school which is the only military school of its kind. Soldiers were taught the hard skills they would need to operate in the jungle deep behind enemy lines, and the training culminated in a patrol through the jungle of an unsecured area, at times teams got into gunfights, and had to be extracted out. Mike also gave us a funny war story from a time where he had to go into the jungle to extract a team in trouble.


We’ve been getting hit up with questions about what its like for the family of a soldier who’s serving in Special Forces. The few minutes spent discussing this will answer a lot of questions on the matter. Any questions can be sent to



Mike Stahl’s Website:

Mike Stahl’s Facebook: TrickyMisFit


Mike Glover’s Website:

Mike Glover’s Facebook: FieldCraftLLC

Mike Glovers Instagram Accounts: FieldCraftSurvival, SofSurvivor

Mike Glover’s Twitter: IgSofSurvivor


John Hendricks Website:

John Hendricks Facebook: FB Reconm

John Hendricks Instagram Accounts: GlobalRecon_INC , IgRecon

John Hendricks Twitter: IgRecon



Music provided by Caspian:



Click the buttons below for the episode: 


GRP 12 Special Operations Working Dogs, Green Berets, Nutrition Tips

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GRP 12 Special Operations Working Dogs, Green Berets, Nutrition Tips

GRP 12-On this episode we have Travis Osborn back on to discuss Special Operations dogs. Travis was the Special Forces Medic who treated Marcus Luttrell the Navy SEAL from the Lone Survivor story during the rescue operation. Travis went on to become a dog handler in Special Forces. Him and Mike have been on several operations together where they hit target sets having Special Forces dogs along side of them.  RIP to all the military dogs who sacrificed themselves to protect their teammates.


Travis Instagram: LiveHard18D


Mike’s Instagram: SofSurvivor

Mike’s Facebook: FieldCraftLLC

Mike’s Website:


John’s Instagram: IgRecon

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Website:


Music provided by Caspian:


Click on the buttons below to access the episode

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