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GRP 79-Baptism by Fire: The Resurrection of the Marine Raiders|Bombing in Manchester England


GRP 79-Baptism by Fire: The Resurrection of the Marine Raiders|Bombing in Manchester England


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GRP 79- We'd like to send our condolences out to the victims and families of those killed in the Manchester bombing attack that occurred Monday, May 22nd, in Manchester England. U.K. security forces are conducting several operations in response to the bombing which has killed 22 and wounded over 50.


I had the honor and privilege of having on former Marine Raider Pete Perry. Pete was a Reconnaissance Marine prior to the Marines Special Operations Command (MARSOC) being stood up.  For years the Marine Corps did not have a component within the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Marine Raiders became that force. We discuss what that was like and some of the growing pains that come with a special operations unit being stood up having to move at the speed of war.  Below is an excerpt from our conversation:


Pete Perry: This was my 2012 deployment. It was a company clearing operation so we had a handful of MSOT's (Marine Special Operations Teams) with an Army Special Forces team with 3rd Kandak (Afghan Special Forces) with us. During this time my element alone we found 100 pressure plates (IED’s). For this particular mission, we'd inserted and fought all day that first day. You're navigating at night in an extremely highly saturated IED'd area. We got to a compound of interest with one of our Afghan's stepping on an IED. He died. I grabbed about four U.S. with about 15 Afghan commandos and we exited the compound. We were immediately ambushed.


From that point, we fought all day long. We moved about 2 kilometers to a different compound. We were overextended. We had a British Apache Gunship overhead. We were notified that a guy is walking towards our compound. We spot him and plan on letting him get closer before we dumped him. He turns around and runs. I go chasing after him with my buddy we both had a carbine and one magazine. We start shooting at him. He fell in a field 50 feet away from us. The Apache is reporting all of this unbeknownst to us and a lot of ears are listening. We lost visual on the enemy. I see him and he fires a full burst at me. I'm shooting. I button hooked around and shot him in the face. We came under accurate machine-gun fire from the north. We are now out of ammo. I grabbed the dead dudes AK and start returning fire. The trees to the north began to erupt. After the second eruption, we realized it was the apache going on gun runs. On the 3rd gun run, we bounded back. The next day we found a reinforced machine gun bunker to the north and that's where we were taking fire from. Those guys were squared away.


Pete Perry:




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Music provided by Caspian:



GRP 63-Recon Sniper Foundation, 3rd Force Recon Commander, Leadership


GRP 63-Recon Sniper Foundation, 3rd Force Recon Commander, Leadership

Click the buttons below to access the episode on ITunes, or Soundcloud. Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you.


GRP 63-On for this week's podcast are U.S. Marines John Brown, the President of the Recon and Sniper Foundation, and Lt. Colonel Drew Ralston, Commanding Officer of the 3rd Force Reconnaissance Battalion. We talked about the Recon and Sniper Foundations event at Shot Show in Las Vegas a few days ago which was a huge success, as well as the role and mission of the Foundation. We talk about leadership, what it takes for young Marines to become Reconnaissance Marines in dealing with and overcoming hardships and adversity.


Very shortly the Global Recon's veteran team of writers will begin to release articles with topics to include transnational terrorism, geopolitics, veteran-related issues, military history, and tactical medicine. Our writers are very smart, and accomplished individuals with a lot to offer.  We will announce start the article publishing early February. Below is an excerpt from the podcast.


John: You guys met and worked together under some unique circumstances. Can you guys talk about that?


Lt. Colonel Ralston: As a reserve Commander my unit is over in Mobile Alabama, but I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In August of last year, we suffered some of the worst flooding’s on record in this area. Within about 48 hours a group of gentlemen from the Recon and Sniper Foundation had mobilized and got guys down here to help with getting myself and a number of other Reconnaissance Marines back on our feet. There's another reserve unit here in Baton Rouge that was affected by the flood and we got to work.  We found retired Marines who needed help. A gentleman who was a Korean War Vet was at the Chosin Reservoir with Chesty Puller had his house decimated by the flood we did a lot of work to get him back on his feet.


We ended up helping the first responders who were out not fixing their homes, but out on the street helping civilians. One of the most rewarded moments for me was one of my former Marines his parent's house was destroyed. We spent 3 days at their house alone. At some point, this Marine's mother looks at her husband and says "You know baby it's going to be ok, the Marines are here.''



John Brown:

Social Media: ReconSniperFoundation


Introduction speech was by Colin Powell.


Music provided by Caspian:


GRP 19-Special Forces Generations, MACV-SOG War Story, Recondo School


GRP 19-Special Forces Generations, MACV-SOG War Story, Recondo School

GRP 19-On this episode we have Mike Stahl, and Mike Glover back on. This discussion is about the difference in Special Forces during the Vietnam era in which Mike Stahl served, and modern day Special Forces in which Mike Glover served. Mike Stahl talked about his experience going through the famed MACV-SOG Recondo school which is the only military school of its kind. Soldiers were taught the hard skills they would need to operate in the jungle deep behind enemy lines, and the training culminated in a patrol through the jungle of an unsecured area, at times teams got into gunfights, and had to be extracted out. Mike also gave us a funny war story from a time where he had to go into the jungle to extract a team in trouble.


We’ve been getting hit up with questions about what its like for the family of a soldier who’s serving in Special Forces. The few minutes spent discussing this will answer a lot of questions on the matter. Any questions can be sent to



Mike Stahl’s Website:

Mike Stahl’s Facebook: TrickyMisFit


Mike Glover’s Website:

Mike Glover’s Facebook: FieldCraftLLC

Mike Glovers Instagram Accounts: FieldCraftSurvival, SofSurvivor

Mike Glover’s Twitter: IgSofSurvivor


John Hendricks Website:

John Hendricks Facebook: FB Reconm

John Hendricks Instagram Accounts: GlobalRecon_INC , IgRecon

John Hendricks Twitter: IgRecon



Music provided by Caspian:



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