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GRP 160-Sacrifice: A Gold Star Widow's Fight For The Truth

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GRP 160-Sacrifice: A Gold Star Widow's Fight For The Truth

You can access the full episode on Apple Podcast (Apple users), or Spotify, and Anchor (Android users). Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you. 

Joining me for this week's podcast is the Gold Star Wife of Staff Sergeant Bryan Black Michelle Black. SSG Black was killed alongside SFC Jeremiah Johnson, SSG Dustin Wright, and SGT LaDavid Johnson after their Special Forces team was ambushed on October 4th, 2017, in Niger, Africa.

After investigating the incident, the military sat down with the Black family to discuss their findings. Michelle felt the Army wasn't telling the entire truth about what happened. They blamed the soldiers on the ground while not holding senior officers accountable that sent the team after a terrorist leader without the proper support and mission planning. Michelle details what happened in her book "Sacrifice: A Gold Star Widow's Fight For The Truth" Tune in.

Main Episode Takeaways

  • Life as a military family

  • The military not holding senior officers accountable.

  • Overcoming adversity

  • Special Forces

Connect With Michelle Black



Connect With John Hendricks


Music provided by Caspian:

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Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue


Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue

GRP 28- Today’s episode is a special Memorial Day tribute to our fallen countrymen from all wars past till present. There will be multiple post highlighting this episode, this is an excerpt from former Army Ranger John Lovell.

Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue


John Hendricks: What do you think about when you think of Memorial Day?


John Lovell: Today I’m thinking about Pat Tillman. Tillman was somebody I served with in 2nd Ranger Battalion. I didn’t know em well. Aside from just seeing him around I didn’t have much interaction with him. The reason I’m thinking of Pat Tillman today is because of the feelings his story represents to me now. I honor Pat as a patriot and a hero.


I think of those who were with him on the battlefield. Often times I think of whoever it was who killed him accidently by friendly fire. It’s a weird place that my heart goes to on memorial day, I think about how I would feel if I accidently killed my brother. I would rather prefer that I died instead. Friendly fire is a reality of war. I know how many veterans walk around wounded by the thought of that they failed their brothers. If only they’d fought a little harder, or fought a little better they could have saved their brothers.


There’s a lot of Vietnam vets, GWOT vets, that really wished that they had died instead, and their dying a little bit inside everyday because of it. Those that carry around a horrible burden I don’t judge these guys. I wanted any soldiers out there that are possibly carrying around shame, to those who feel they somehow let their brothers down. I cannot know this for sure, but I feel like if one of my brothers was responsible for my death on the battlefield I’d have forgiveness for them.


I’d say its part of war man, you did your best, there’s nothing more you could have done. Let go of your shame and live, live for me, or in you I’d die twice. On memorial day I don’t just think of the veterans who died, I think of the veterans who are limping through life still. My message is one for them. 


Check out Justin Howard on Facebook:  Panjwayi Valley Gun Club

Instagram: Panjwayi


Check out John Lovell on Instagram: WarriorPoetSociety

John’s website:

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Instagram: IgRecon, GlobalRecon_Inc

John’s Twitter: IgRecon

LinkedIn: Global Recon


Music provided by Caspian:


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GRP 09-Medal of Honor Recipient Captain Florent Groberg


GRP 09-Medal of Honor Recipient Captain Florent Groberg

On this episode we have the privilege to sit down and talk with Medal of Honor Recipient Army Captain Florent Groberg. Florent tells his story of what happened on that day in Afghanistan. He’s very down to earth and a great American. We hope you guys enjoy the show.


Florent Groberg’s Instagram: Florent.Groberg


John’s Instagram: IgRecon

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Website:


Mike’s Instagram: SofSurvivor

Mike’s Facebook: FieldCraftLLC

Mike’s Website:


Music provided by Caspian:


Click below to listen to the podcast. 
