Viewing entries tagged
US Army

GRP 159-Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change: A CIA Officers fight to bring American Allies home


GRP 159-Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change: A CIA Officers fight to bring American Allies home

You can access the full episode on Apple Podcast (Apple users), or Spotify, and Anchor (Android users). Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you. 

My guest for this week's podcast is a former CIA Officer, U.S. Army veteran, and author of "Watches Without Time: An American Soldier in Afghanistan." Matt Zeller. Matt is the Co-Founder of No One Left Behind, which works to get American allies out of harm's way in combat zones. 

Matt has spent months sounding the alarm and warning high-level government officials that there will be severe consequences if they choose not to act. We discussed his time in Afghanistan, his experience in getting Afghan allies out, digital Dunkirk, and much more.

Main Episode Takeaways

  • Working as a combat advisor in Afghanistan

  • Joining the CIA

  • The problem with the Afghanistan pullout

  • An Afghan interpreter saved his life during combat.

  • The mission of No One Left Behind

Connect with Matt Zeller


No One Left Behind



Connect With John Hendricks

Music provided by Caspian:


GRP 158-Archon Ready Group: A conversation with Two Special Missions Operators


GRP 158-Archon Ready Group: A conversation with Two Special Missions Operators

You can access the full episode on Apple Podcast (Apple users), or Spotify, and Anchor (Android users). Be sure to like, share, subscribe, and download the episodes. Thank you. 

Episode Summary

I have two guests on for this week's podcast. They are the primary instructors at Archon Ready Group, and both served at the Army Special Missions Unit for nearly two decades. Billy Delaporte and Dan Ibach are back on with me. We talked about police shootings, police firearms training, and much more. Enjoy

Main Episode Takeaways

  • Weapons manipulation

  • Police involved shootings

  • Grip Matters

  • Stance Matters

  • Archon Ready Group

This Episode is Brought to you by:

Wondery-Nine Twelve

Connect with Billy and Dan:

Archon Ready Group

Connect With John Hendricks

Music provided by Caspian:


The Choke Point Podcast, Cro Medical Gear, Army Rangers, SARC’s


The Choke Point Podcast, Cro Medical Gear, Army Rangers, SARC’s


GRP 34-On this episode I conducted two interviews. The first is with T a Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman (SARC) in the Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC). T spent a number of years in the US Navy attached to MARSOC, and we were able to discuss some aspects of trauma medicine. T is apart of a company called Cro Medical Gear which is owned and operated by SARC’s. They are working on developing a product line of medical gear for the advanced care provider initially, and then will release products for civilians as well.


The Second interview was with 3 former Army Rangers from the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment who run a podcast called The Choke Point. Chance Davis SSG Former Ranger Medic, James Webb SGT Ranger Retired, and Paul Martinez SSG Ranger Retired. These guys are awesome indivus who’ve overcome many obstacles, and who stay busying farming, and working with other veterans. They’ve got books in the works, and are forming an organization to help veterans in need. Below is an excerpt from the podcast.


Paul Martinez: I remember that. We’re having like a Turkey dinner in the middle of Afghanistan in this giant castle compound. It was weird man. I felt like Genghis Khan. You’re looking at these giant Himalayan mountains covered in snow, but its hot where you are. Doc’s got a turkey on the stick. Your extremely well fed. Its one of those things where your sitting in this house, your eating turkey dinner with your best buddies, you’re in arguably one of the worst places on the planet. I couldn’t have been happier. As soon as the sun goes down were back out fighting through ambushes. It was some pretty gnarly fighting.


Send an email to with questions, or comments.

Instagram: SofMedicine

Instagram: thechokepoint




Facebook: FB Recon

Instagram: IgRecon, Global Recon_INC

Twitter: IgRecon

LinkedIn: Global Recon


Music provided by Caspian:

Click the links below to access the episode:







Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue


Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue

GRP 28- Today’s episode is a special Memorial Day tribute to our fallen countrymen from all wars past till present. There will be multiple post highlighting this episode, this is an excerpt from former Army Ranger John Lovell.

Memorial Day, Army Rangers, Army EOD, AF Combat Search and Rescue


John Hendricks: What do you think about when you think of Memorial Day?


John Lovell: Today I’m thinking about Pat Tillman. Tillman was somebody I served with in 2nd Ranger Battalion. I didn’t know em well. Aside from just seeing him around I didn’t have much interaction with him. The reason I’m thinking of Pat Tillman today is because of the feelings his story represents to me now. I honor Pat as a patriot and a hero.


I think of those who were with him on the battlefield. Often times I think of whoever it was who killed him accidently by friendly fire. It’s a weird place that my heart goes to on memorial day, I think about how I would feel if I accidently killed my brother. I would rather prefer that I died instead. Friendly fire is a reality of war. I know how many veterans walk around wounded by the thought of that they failed their brothers. If only they’d fought a little harder, or fought a little better they could have saved their brothers.


There’s a lot of Vietnam vets, GWOT vets, that really wished that they had died instead, and their dying a little bit inside everyday because of it. Those that carry around a horrible burden I don’t judge these guys. I wanted any soldiers out there that are possibly carrying around shame, to those who feel they somehow let their brothers down. I cannot know this for sure, but I feel like if one of my brothers was responsible for my death on the battlefield I’d have forgiveness for them.


I’d say its part of war man, you did your best, there’s nothing more you could have done. Let go of your shame and live, live for me, or in you I’d die twice. On memorial day I don’t just think of the veterans who died, I think of the veterans who are limping through life still. My message is one for them. 


Check out Justin Howard on Facebook:  Panjwayi Valley Gun Club

Instagram: Panjwayi


Check out John Lovell on Instagram: WarriorPoetSociety

John’s website:

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Instagram: IgRecon, GlobalRecon_Inc

John’s Twitter: IgRecon

LinkedIn: Global Recon


Music provided by Caspian:


Click the buttons below to access the episode.


GRP 27-The Warfighter Foundation, Security Contractor, RIP MSG Andrew McKenna


GRP 27-The Warfighter Foundation, Security Contractor, RIP MSG Andrew McKenna

GRP 27-On this episode of the I interviewed Derek Pleimen who is an Army veteran, and a part of the Warfighter Foundation. We discussed Derek’s career in the Army, the mission of the Warfighter Foundation, and his recent deployment to Afghanistan as a security contractor.


Tu Lam from Ronin Tactics will be in NYC early August to teach a blade seminar. We haven’t locked in the dates yet, but will do so in the next few days. So far the locations we have are in Williamsburg Brooklyn, and Edge Water New Jersey. If you’re interested in hosting a class, or attending send an email to Below is an excerpt from the episode:


John Hendricks: So you were in close proximity to Camp Integrity during the attack when Andrew McKenna was killed?


Derek Pleimen: Yeah our base was actually right beside Camp Integrity where Sergeant McKenna was at. It was around 10 o clock at night and we were just watching TV, and the explosion went off. It was a VBIED that started it off. They went right into the gate. After that they had actual suicide bombers run in. It sucks being a security contractor sometimes because our main job is to make sure our clients are safe. When that happened we were standing on HESCOS watching the entire fight unfold. We really couldn’t do anything about it unfortunately.


We wanted to help, but our bosses wouldn’t let us go, plus we had no comms with the base. We were expecting to be attacked next but it never came. It was a pretty rough night.  It was an intense firefight that lasted a few hours unfortunately a great man was killed in Master Sgt. Andrew McKenna.


The Warfighter Foundation:

Facebook-Warfighter Foundation



John’s website:

John’s Facebook: FB Recon

John’s Instagram: IgRecon, GlobalRecon_Inc


Music provided by Caspian:


Click the buttons below to access the episode.
