GRP 33-On this episode we have Jay Paisley back on the show. Jay served for 20 years in the US Army with 15 of those years in Special Forces. He was an 18 Delta Special Forces Medic with the 5th Special Forces Group, and went on to serve as a medic in a Special Missions Unit. We discuss the responses to mass shootings on the first responders side of the house.


In some detail that most people aren’t discussing, and bring to light some ideas that are certainly worth exploring as a nation when it comes to trauma medicine. Wouldn’t it make sense for High Schools to teach students over the course of 4 years how to deal with basic trauma using tourniquets, and other devices? Below is an excerpt from our conversation:



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GRP 33- Jay Paisley from Crisis Application Group is back on the show. Jay spent 15 years in Special Operations units as a medic. Listen in as we discuss responses to mass shootings, and methods to train the population in basic trauma medicine.

John Hendricks: There’s a lot of debate about nationalizing the medical training for EMT’s and first responders. I’m not sure exactly what people are saying about it, but I know there’s a pushback against that. I know you specifically don’t agree with it. Can you explain why?

Jay Paisley: In a nut shell unless you want your emergency services ran like the post office then we probably need to avoid that. The bottom line is every municipality has got its different rules for budgeting, who’s in charge of what. There’s different geographical responses, and population responses. It’s impractical to think we’re going to capture with a single unifying medical protocol nation wide. If the federal government wants to get involved, and facilitate this dialogue there’s a few things they can do.

One is on the financial side. A lot of these municipalities are cash strapped and don’t have the ability to fund these programs. There is a virtual army of veterans who are more then qualified to run these TCCC, TECC programs on the civilian side for the municipalities. Secondly I think public education can take on a couple new forms. One I think everybody is starting to realize the value of learning how to put on a tourniquet.

I think that’s generally well received within the civilian community. Again if the federal government wants to get involved my challenge would be to access the public school system. There’s no reason why 20 hours freshmen year, 10 hours sophomore, 10 hours junior, then cap it off with 20 hours for senior year this broken down over the course of a high school career. We couldn’t educate a national audience over the course of a generation or two. #GlobalReconPodcast #CAGMain #CrisisApplicationGroup #TCCC #Education #Medics #SOF

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Music provided by Caspian:

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